This is a new radio show that I was just on and I wanted to share my interview with you. Just click on "pillow with a heartbeat" when the link opens.
Remember. . . there are so many animals who need rescuing . Please help to give them a voice and stop the abuse.

wonderful artist to paint your pets

Truffles and I found an amazing artist who paints animals. They look as though they are going to jump right off the canvas.
Her name is Hye Joung Tibby. If you look at her website you will see just what I mean.You will be wowed!
Go to . She is located in Carlsbad, California.
Today was a great day for book-signings. Now that the holidays are getting closer, gift books for dogs is on the rise again.
I hope you consider getting "Pillow With A Heartbeat" this year. It is a terrific stocking stuffer for all you dog lovers.
And please: don't forget to remember the animals who need rescuing... The American Horses ( stop the slaughter)
Good news! Three important bills that the ASPCA has been fighting for in California have finished their journeys through the State Legislature:
Assembly Bill 241, a.k.a. the Responsible Breeder Act, will limit the number of intact adult animals that pet-breeding facilities are permitted to own.Assembly Bill 1122 would prohibit the sale of animals on streets and in other public spaces. (It exempts legitimate adoption events.)Senate Bill 135 would prohibit the docking of cows’ tails. All that is required for each of these bills to become state law is Governor Schwarzenegger’s signature. What You Can DoTake a few minutes today to contact Governor Schwarzenegger to ask him to sign these three bills into law. Governor Schwarzenegger’s Office: (916) 445-2841 If you’d like to learn more about each bill, or see our tips on what to say when you call, please visit the ASPCA Advocacy Center online.Thank you for your help advancing this humane legislation—we’re just one step away from victory
This will be my last blog until Oct 1. We now have a way for you to help with just one click on the link below. Anything you can give will help save the horses. Please...don't let the BLM win this battle of killing them for "horsemeat". We can save them. We are their only voice toward freedom.
Thank you.

Cloud herd needs saving

This has come to my attention: BLM is causing horrific suffering for Cloud's herd. PLEASE call your senators to make it stop. With your help, we can do this ! Without it, they will continue to suffer and die.

Brand new footage with a message from Ginger Kathrens, and herd members left lame by BLM. Call to action for release of older horses that will otherwise be "sold" by BLM.
This is the best news about our pets that has come across my desk in a long time. FINALLY, our beloved pets may be able to get the care they need and we can deduct the expenses on our taxes. It can really help so many people in these difficult times.

Allow a Deduction for Pet Care Expenses
Target: U.S. House of RepresentativesSponsored by:
What would life be without companion animals? During these difficult economic times however, more and more people find that the financial cost of giving pets the care they deserve becomes a burden, or worse, unbearable.The Humanity and Pets Partnered Through the Years (HAPPY) Act (H.R. 3501) was just introduced to the U.S. House of Representatives and referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means. The Act would amend the Internal Revenue Code to allow an individual to deduct up to $3,500 for "qualified pet care expenses" - including veterinary care - for a legally owned, domesticated, live animal. As you, your family members or your neighbors may be trimming budgets to make ends meet, innocent animals should not have to go without adequate care! Even a small tax deduction for responsible pet owners will go a long way to meet the needs of companion animals, ease the tax burden of those who own a pet (63 percent of all households) and may even encourage more people to provide loving homes to the countless animals filling America's shelters. Urge your representatives to co-sponsor the HAPPY Act!
Hi everyone.
Although I am trying to market my book, "Pillow with A Heartbeat", there is a much more urgent problem that we must address. Horse Slaughter has gotten out of hand and we are g
going to stop it with your help. Please read this. . .

WFLF Humanion Films has announced the release of their Issue Trailer for " Saving America's Horses, A Nation Betrayed." The focus of the issue trailer is to clearly define the mission of the film production which is to protect ALL HORSES from slaughter. Representatives are confident that the trailer will raise awareness and support for the CAUSE and hope to inspire more support for the making of the film through completion.Watch the Issue Trailer Now! Official Film Trailer will be released later in November and will reflect the tone of the film with an introduction to the story lines. Please tell your friends and family about SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES, A NATION BETRAYED. Please support this film project and help us to save America's Horses. We are their voice and they need to be heard.
Thank you for your support.
Please for Truffles to be the "cutest dog" in this contest. He wants it so badly and it only costs ONE dollar and each dollar goes to help animals. It's a win win for everyone..especially truffles. Click on the link and vote please. I won't know who does or doesn't but I will be very grateful. :) "woof"
I forgot to add this link to my blog today. It's FREE..takes but a few seconds of your time... every click will feed a dog FREE. I love you all for giving these animals a chance. Thank you.

Inspiration for the day !

I was going to write about holistic treatment for dog today; but this came across my desk and I wanted to share it with everyone who needs to be reminded how lucky we all are and how luck we are to have wonderful animals in our lives.

Ricochet, the Surfin’ for Paws-abilities surfer dog, and Patrick, a 15 year old quadraplegic surfer, completed the first ever tandem surfing ride between an adaptive surfer and a dog last Thursday!
To see this exciting, unusual, and touching, event captured by KFMB-TV channel 8, click the link below. It will help start your week on a positive note!
If you want to watch even more, click here for a “home” video of all the action!

Stop the suicide of horses

To all my readers who want to see a stop to the killing /murdering of horses, please check out this website and help put an end to this evil racing of horses. All you have to do is email or make a call, and for those who want to donate anything they can, please do.
My heart is heavy knowing that only we can help these beautiful animals.
Thank you for caring.

Don't reward Vick for killing dogs

I was furious that Michael Vick was reinstated to play football after bankrolling dog fights. Ok, so he went to prison and paid his dues ( not as far as I'm concerned ) and was released saying how grateful he is for being given the chance to play again!
What about his regrets for ruining the lives of hundreds of innocent dogs' who either died or who were left unadoptable resulting in euthanization.
Hopefully, all of us who loathe these kind of people, will do our best to stop this brutality and put an end to FAMOUS PEOPLE GETTING OFF THE HOOK!
Vick had it easy. He "reflected on his mistakes". But what is he doing now to make up for them? Is he giving lectures to schools about respecting animals, protecting animals from abuse or teaching that it is wrong to be greety,and that it's wrong to make money off the suffering of others, especially innocent animals who can't fight back? This would show remorse on his part and it would at least be a good attempt to show us that he wants to make things better.
So, my opinion is we should all boycott all his games and give these animals a voice. If we don't . . . Who will?
Stay tuned for a much more uplifting blog. This needed to be said and I hope to get feedback from my readers on the subject.
Thank you !

Proper Hydration for you and your pets

My dog was never a good water drinker until we discovered Pure Kangen Water, the high anti-oxidant drinking water. Not only does he love it, he looks better. His coat is beautiful, his eyes are clearer, he's much more playful, and I no longer have to coax him to drink.
Just by changing the water you drink, you can change the way you feel. Pure Kangen Water super hydrates your body quickly giving you and your pets incredible energy, better digestion and a better night's sleep. Because Kangen Water is a high anti-oxident water, it helps to flush out toxin build up which can cause many ailments. It has been proven to even help with mild cases of hip dysplasia in dogs, inflammation in different parts of the body, and it even prevents the anal glands in dogs from becoming clogged.

The best test is to try it. We the people know that it is good for you, tastes great, and keeps us healthy; but your pet only knows. . . either I like it, or I don't ! Put two bowls of water down, one with 9.5 pH Kangen Water and one with regular water. Most of the time, your dog will pick the Kangen Water.

FWI...I do not sell this product. I just want to spread the word about this incredible and easy way to keep our precious animals healthy. ( and us ) but if you are interested in getting some of this water, email me and I'll tell you where and how.

Tips to keep your pets safe… Beat the Summer Heat

Imagine wearing a fur coat during the hot summer months. Uncomfortable? Just imagine how uncomfortable and dangerous it can be for your dogs and cats if they are not protected.

Here are some tips to keep our beloved pets safe:

1. Avoid injury to the feet. Stay off the hot pavement, especially black surfaces. This can seriously injure their sensitive pads.

2. Prevent heat exhaustion. NEVER leave your dog or cat in the car unless you keep the air-conditioning on.( not likely you will do this ) Even leaving the windows down in a cool shaded area is not safe as the car can heat up in a matter of minutes.

3. Keep them cool. Give your pet a good haircut, especially dogs with very long and think fur. A good brushing every day will help get rid of the undercoat and make your pet much more comfy.

4. Hydrate. Make sure you ALWAYS leave enough water down to drink. Dehydration is the number one killer of pets in the hot summer months. They sell vests and mats for dogs that are filled with a cooling gel for those who are outside in the heat.

5. Get some exercise. If you and your dog like to jog, for goodness sake make sure you run early in the morning or in the early evening before the sun heats up. Exercise is great for both of you; but not on very hot days. Remember, the sand and the pavement get very hot; so unless you put sneakers or booties on Rover, go early.

6. Tans are nice but did you know that your pooch can get sunburn? Well, he can. So… put sunscreen on his little nose and on his ears. These are very venerable places that burn easily and can be very dangerous.

7. Signs of heat exhaustion:

§ Heavy rapid panting

§ Unsteady walking

§ Purple or dark red tongue

§ Vomiting

§ Glazed eyes

8. Treatment for heat exhaustion:

§ Move your pet out of the heat into air-conditioning or shade.

§ Put cold towels, unless you have ice packs, on the neck, head and chest

§ Put them in water but make sure it is tepid or cool, not COLD. This would shock their system and be very dangerous.

§ Give very small amounts of cool water or ice cubes to lick.

Heavy panting, glazed eyes, a rapid pulse, unsteadiness, a staggering gait, vomiting, or a deep red or purple tongue are all signs of possible heat exhaustion. What to do: Move the animal into the shade or an air-conditioned area. Apply ice packs or cold towels to their head, neck and chest or immerse them in cool (not cold) water. Let them drink small amounts of cool water or lick ice cubes and consider taking them directly to a veterinarian.

Your Dog's Health: GDV

Look out for Bloat /"Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus" ("GDV")

It was not until my sister’s dog Simi, a beautiful, healthy German Shepherd, died suddenly, that we learned of Bloat, or Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus, (GDV)

Bloat is a very serious health risk that many dog owners know very little about. It is the second leading killer of dogs with cancer being the first. Deep-chested dogs, such as German Shepherds, Great Danes, and Dobermans are most often effected.

Bloating of the stomach is often related to swallowed air. It usually happens when there is an abnormal accumulation of air, fluid, or foam in the stomach ("gastric dilatation"). Stress is a significant contributing factor. Bloat can occur with or without twisting ("volvulus"). The twisting causes air, food, and water to be trapped in the stomach. The stomach obstructs veins in the abdomen, leading to low blood pressure, shock, and damage to internal organs which can kill a dog within one hour. What you can do in an emergency is to Be prepared! Know in advance what you would do if you suspect bloating.

If your regular vet doesn't have 24-hour emergency service, know which nearby vet you would use. Keep the phone number handy.

**Dogs in rescue situations are more prone to bloat!! The dog has been passed from one facility/rescuer/foster to another; had it's food changed a number of times within a couple weeks; and suffered tremendously emotional (and therefore physical) stress during that time. Rescues should be STRICTLY observed during those first 2-3 critical weeks in the foster/adoptive homes, and all guidelines must be observed!!


Attempts to vomit (usually unsuccessful); may occur every 5-30 minutes

Doesn't act like usual self

Perhaps the earliest warning sign and may be the only sign that almost always occurs

Significant anxiety and restlessness
One of the earliest warning signs and seems fairly typical

"Hunched up" or "roached up" appearance
This seems to occur fairly frequently

Pale or off-color gums

Dark red in early stages, white or blue in later stages

** The most significant finding related to preventive methods used by owners, namely raising the food bowl, (instead of keeping it on the ground ) actually increased the risk of bloat by approximately 200%!!

Your dog will let you know when he is sick. Pay attention to the signs. Know if he’s not acting himself and act quickly. You might just save his life.

Can you train a dog to become a “Seizure” dog?

I often wonder how my dog Truffles always seems to know when I’m not feeling well, or better yet, how he seems to know before I get that lousy headache. He has demonstrated this behavior often enough to prompt my investigation of. . . is this a gift, or can it be taught?

After studying several cases on dogs that have helped their masters during seizures or other physical crisis, maybe the term seizure assistance dog would be a more valid term.

Dogs have been trained for several years to be assistance dogs to people with disabilities. There have been many reports of dogs assisting someone during a seizure, such as alerting a family member or lying on a person to prevent injury. They can be trained to seek help, sound an alarm, or just sit by their master until help arrives; however, there doesn’t seem to be any conclusive research that a dog can be trained to forewarn of an impending seizure.

My best guess is that in most incidences, these incredible companion dogs, because of their strong bond with their masters, have the ability to pick up on certain energy (as before a thunderstorm) or notice a subtle change in behavior.

My personal explanation is that I like to think that these dogs have a rare gift from God; and that if they were given this gift, it should be shared with the world.