This is the best news about our pets that has come across my desk in a long time. FINALLY, our beloved pets may be able to get the care they need and we can deduct the expenses on our taxes. It can really help so many people in these difficult times.

Allow a Deduction for Pet Care Expenses
Target: U.S. House of RepresentativesSponsored by:
What would life be without companion animals? During these difficult economic times however, more and more people find that the financial cost of giving pets the care they deserve becomes a burden, or worse, unbearable.The Humanity and Pets Partnered Through the Years (HAPPY) Act (H.R. 3501) was just introduced to the U.S. House of Representatives and referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means. The Act would amend the Internal Revenue Code to allow an individual to deduct up to $3,500 for "qualified pet care expenses" - including veterinary care - for a legally owned, domesticated, live animal. As you, your family members or your neighbors may be trimming budgets to make ends meet, innocent animals should not have to go without adequate care! Even a small tax deduction for responsible pet owners will go a long way to meet the needs of companion animals, ease the tax burden of those who own a pet (63 percent of all households) and may even encourage more people to provide loving homes to the countless animals filling America's shelters. Urge your representatives to co-sponsor the HAPPY Act!

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